Library Director Prof. Mariano Nardello
The library was established in 1555, at the same time as the founding of the Academy, and was intended for use by the academicians themselves. The earliest inventories present a wealth of codices, incunabula and cinquecentine (books published in the XVI century), some of which have been dispersed. Instead, a portion of was integrated into the collections of the Bertoliana Civic Library in Vicenza.
In 1886 the Academy donated an important part of its books and periodicals to the Bertoliana Library itself. What remained in the Academy’s premises were mainly books and periodicals on astronomy, meteorology and climatology, the subjects of interest of the Meteorological Observatory annexed to the Academy.
This collection was partially destroyed during World War II; thanks to donations from the academicians themselves after the war, it was once again endowed with books and periodicals.
The library opened to the public in 1979.
The Library today
The library currently has a heritage of 35,000 works and about 500 periodicals. The scholarly and artistic production of academicians is constantly updated.
In addition, publications of many cultural institutes and Academies in the Italian territory can be consulted.
What we can do for you
Kind users are informed that library services are temporarily suspended. For more information, please write to:
- Counseling
- Catalogs and online services
- In-house reference and reading
- Bibliographic information also via e-mail, telephone, mail
- Local and interlibrary loan, also international
- Photocopy reproduction
- Microfilm reading and printing
A4 format: euro 0,10 per sheet
A3 format: euro 0,20 per sheet
A4 double-sided format: euro 0,15 per sheet
A3 double-sided format: euro 0,30 per sheet.
Printing from microfilm:
A4 format: euro 0,30 per sheet
A3 format: euro 0,40 per sheet.
Reimbursement requested from users and other Libraries for sending photocopies:
Italy: up to 10 copies: euro 4,00 for postage + copies cost
up to 40 copies: euro 5,00 for postage + copies cost
more than 40 (each additional 20 copies). + euro 1,00 + photocopies cost.
Abroad: up to 10 photocopies:
euro 6,00 + photocopies cost
up to 40 photocopies: euro 8,00 + photocopies cost
more than 40 (each additional 20 copies): + euro 1,50 + photocopies cost.
Reimbursement requested from users and other Libraries for borrowing books:
in Italy: euro 5,00 (per book) via stamps
abroad: euro 17,00 (up to gr. 1000)
euro 21,00 (over gr. 1000)
Libraries in the “Bibliobus” circuit: free service.
Library and Archives
The Library and Archives of the Olympic Academy are a constituent part of its heritage.
The Library consists of all the printed or manuscript works received by bequest, donation, exchange, or purchase.
Its main task is to conserve, increase and enhance the library’s heritage, and to facilitate access to it for study and research activities, also with the use of tools proper to modern technology. It cooperates with cultural organisations and institutions through the exchange of publications, information and services.
The specificity of the library’s holdings consists of the works of the Academicians, works from the Vicenza and Veneto area, and publications pertaining to the history of theater.
Responsible for the Library is the Director (Academician appointed by the President’s Council of the Academy, according to the Statute).
Use of the Library is permitted to all Italian and foreign citizens who have reached the age of 18 and are interested in study and research.
Catalogs of works can be consulted on computer tools with the assistance of the operating officers.
Books are delivered to users through operators; after consultation, books are given back to operators.
Books and periodicals not yet registered cannot be given for reading.
Maximum three volumes of periodicals or three monographic works for reading at a time.
It is possible, for study purposes, to make photographic reproductions or photocopies of the Library’s originals upon written request by the user. Reproductions are made in such ways and by such means as the operators deem most appropriate to ensure the protection of the bibliographic material.
Excluded from lending are works published before 1940, considered rare or belonging to certain special sections, considered in poor condition. For such publications, the information “consultation only” is displayed in the online form.
Loan is granted to all users referred to in Article 3. A user who wishes to borrow a work is required to make a written request on the appropriate form. Simultaneous borrowing of no more than three works is allowed. The ordinary duration of the loan is 30 days; the loan is renewable for an additional 15 days upon application by the user, provided that the work is not requested by other users.
A user who loses a volume or returns a damaged volume is obliged, subject to further sanctions, to reinstate it with an undamaged copy of the same edition or, if not possible, to pay compensation in a sum not less than twice the commercial value of the volume.
Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of the preceding article shall forfeit the right to lend and, after hearing the opinion of the Presidential Council of the Academy, shall be liable to be reported to the judicial authorities.
Microfilm reading equipment may be used only with the direct technical support of the operators.
In order to protect bibliographic and documentary material, if a reproduction of the requested work is possessed in any medium, it will be given for reading instead of the original.
The fee schedule for paid services is posted in the reading room and can also be read on the Academy’s website.
A register for purchase proposals and a register for comments on the operation of the Library are available to users.
Any user complaints should be submitted in writing to the President of the Academy.
The Archives consists of all documents produced by the institutional bodies of the Academy and documents from other institutions or private individuals.
Responsible for the Archives is the Curator (an Academician appointed by the Academy’s Presidential Council, in accordance with the Statute). The Curator is responsible for its preservation, arrangement and inventory; he or she maintains or promotes the publication of inventories and documents; he or she ensures that the rules governing its public use are observed.
The Archives is open for consultation to Academicians and, for documented purposes of study and research, to the public of any nationality over 18 years of age.
Consultation of the documents is governed by current regulations (Legislations 196/2003, 42/2004, 156/2006 and “Code of ethics and good conduct for the processing of personal data for historical purposes” 14.03.2001) and is permitted only on the premises.
In order to protect documentary material, if a reproduction in any medium of the requested document is possessed, it will be given for consultation instead of the original.
It is within the Curator’s authority to allow photographic reproduction or photocopying of documents, provided that it does not harm the proper preservation of the documents.
Accademia Olimpica ETS
36100 Vicenza - ITALY
Tel 0444 324376
C.F.: 00417160249
Opening Time
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
10.00/13.00 a.m.