According to the Statute of the Olympic Academy,
the Purpose of the Institution is as follows.

Art. 2 – PURPOSE

1. The Academy is non-profit and pursues exclusively civic, solidarity, social and cultural purposes.
2. For the pursuit of the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 above, the Academy carries out the following activities of general interest (as defined by Article 5 of Legislative Decree No. 117 of July 3, 2017 – Code of the Third Sector): organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including activities, including publishing, promotion and dissemination of the culture and practice of volunteerism, and activities of general interest.
3. In particular:
– the Academy promotes – through publications, meetings, celebrations, training courses and various events – literary, historical, philosophical, scientific, technical, legal, economic, sociological, administrative studies and artistic activities, with special regard to culture, artistic life and progress of the City of Vicenza and its territory.
– the Academy carries out all publishing activities suitable to further the achievement of its institutional and statutory purposes.
– fall within the peculiar tasks of the Academy: the supervision of the preservation and use of the Olympic Theater erected by it, its enhancement by means of art manifestations appropriate to the dignity of the monument, and the preservation, increase and supervision of the public use of the Library and Archives.
4. To achieve its purposes, the Academy may also:
– carry out fundraising activities in order to finance its activities of general interest, not excluding the solicitation from third parties of bequests, donations, and contributions of a non-contributive nature, and this also in an organized and continuous form including the solicitation to the public or the sale of goods or provision of services of modest value and in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 117 of July 3, 2017 – Code of the Third Sector;
– administer and manage the assets of which it is the owner, lessor, comodataria or otherwise owned or in any capacity held;
– enter into agreements for the outsourcing of part of its activities to third parties;
– participate in associations, bodies and institutions, public and private, whose activities are aimed, directly or indirectly, at the pursuit of similar purposes; the Academy may, where it deems it appropriate, also contribute to the establishment of the aforementioned bodies
– To carry out any other activities that support the pursuit of institutional purposes.
5. The Academy may not carry out activities other than those indicated above except those to be considered secondary and instrumental to the activities of general interest described above under 2, in accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 117 of July 3, 2017 (Third Sector Code). It is up to the President’s Council to identify the activities to be considered secondary and instrumental in accordance with the general interest activities described above.






Accademia Olimpica ETS
Largo Goethe, 3
36100 Vicenza - ITALY
Tel 0444 324376
C.F.: 00417160249
Opening Time

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
10.00/13.00 a.m.